Capitalism and Socialism and why they suck?


I am not going to explain capitalism and socialism in this article if you want to learn about it click here.

Instead I am going to do a case study and try to explain which one is better.

I am going to be totally unbiased in approaching both the forms of economy, and try to keep it as easy as I can.

I am not a Capitalist or a Socialist, and I renounce both of them. But let give an inspection why?


Many 15 and 16 year olds will tell you how capitalism is bad. But is it really that bad? Let's see what Capitalism has given us and what has it taken away from us.

First let me give you a little history on capitalism.

History of Capitalism.

Even though Capitalism existed since the renaissance period the word "Capitalism" was brought in spot light by a Scottish Economist, Adam Smith, who is also referred to as "Father of Capitalism" even though he did not create or invent it. And the industrial revolution promoted  it.

If you want to read up about him click here.

Pros And Cons Of Capitalism.

Now let's talk about capitalisms' pros and cons. In this time of 21st century the whole world is tore apart in debating, and trying to come to a conclusion whether it is evil or good.

I see a problem in this approach, which I might talk about in the near future. But for now let's talk about the pros of capitalism, and then proceed to the cons.

  • Pros
No.1. Freedom of Choice.

Capitalism gives us a freedom to choose, we can choose, what brand clothes we can wear, what fast food restaurant we eat, what movie we watch.

I think what has happened is people with freedom have forgotten what our ancestors had to go through.  

Capitalism was an achievement that we have forgotten the worth of.

I know, you at this point might feel I am a capitalist, and if you did that's the problem. We love jumping to Conclusion without hearing everything, wait till I finish the cons of Capitalism.

We can choose anything and everything in Capitalism.

No.2. Individuality is the Center of Capitalism.

Capitalism promotes individuality.

In capitalism, personal growth is possible, you are not a part of a group but you are an individual in a capitalist society. 

You can grow, innovate, invent in Capitalism.

No.3. Capitalism promotes Innovation.

Under Capitalism, we have Facebook, Twitter, even the search Engine you are reading this article is a Capitalist gift.

Because Capitalism doesn't ask permission to the higher authorities, we can invent and innovate anything we can. 

That's how we got Airplanes, Cars, Mobile phones, etc.

If you want to read more about the innovations of capitalism read My article for Binge Connect.

No.4. Capitalist Economy has more Entrepreneurs than a Socialist Economy.

Now, let me point out I mean Socialist Economy, not left run countries.

Capitalism as given us, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Mukesh Ambani.

Capitalism has rich peoples and elites to flourish.

  • Cons
I would have written many more pros of Capitalism, but I don't have enough time and I need to finish this article.

So let's start with the cons in Capitalism

No.1. Capitalism causes Inequality.

Even though we have a choice to choose from variety of options, in a capitalist society, it is not the case for every household, Capitalism' whole foundation is "Profit"

And this is mainly what causes inequality. But let's clear one this up, this inequality is based on money and not race, gender, sexual orientation, there's a different reason to that. We might talk about it in the future.

Capitalism can be unjust for poor, with no facility. It makes the top one percent richer everyday. 

Here's an example, While India was having a migrant crisis, India's richest businessman, Mukesh Ambani's net worth grew 73% .

While people were losing their lives in midst of a pandemic elites like Kim Kardashian were having parties on their private island

No.2. Promotes Greed.

Now let's talk about the real demons, Greed.

As I said before, Capitalisms core is profit, and that is what causes greed.

The very desire to be rich is not evil, but the desire to be richer is born the womb of darkness.

It causes every other evil. Unjust, Inequality all are born from greed.

No.3. The top 1% 

We have heard this term before, and I am pretty sure, we know what it means.

It is the elite, that own us and everything we own. 

And that's why I don't believe the celebrities when they raise their voices for social justice.

And that's the issues with Capitalism.

Now let's talk about the "so called" future ideology.


The teenagers favorite economic system gives jumpscare to the older generation. But why?

Well, we are not here to discuss that, so to answer your question, China under Mao, USSR under Stalin.

As for socialism, it had existed since 3rd BCE, in Mauryan Empire, early christians believed Jesus was a Socialist, now of course modern Christian would like to argue that, but come on, be real!

Now let's go to the pros and cons of Socialism.

  • Pros
No.1. Equality

A Socialist economy distribute the wealth equally, so unlike capitalism, it doesn't have the top 1%

It's what I love to call "RobinHood Economy"

But here's a question for y'all, does stealing from rich and giving to poor, makes theft, reasonable or is it still a crime? Make sure to let me know your thoughts.

No.2. Government funded projects

In socialism, government funds the project, and this can be a good thing, unlike Capitalism, Socialism doesn't promote profit, which helps the consumer for cheaper products, then their counterparts in capitalist economy.

No.3 Free Healthcare, Education, etc.

Countries that are socialist, they have what can be called freebies. Free education, Free Healthcare and other things are essentially what helps the leftist in the United States sell Socialism as a better option.

And it, to some extent, true.

  • Cons

No.1. A little too much equality.

While socialism promotes equality, socialist government doesn't seem to understand the difference between equality and similarity. 

If you see countries like North Korea, China, they are filled colourless, with similar designed houses. Which looks really boring and lifeless

No.2. Way Too much Power Government.

Socialism has produced a lot of corrupt government officials, more power creates more corruption. Always remember that.

Government has too much power in socialism, and this is what causes Humanitarian issues, in nations such as Venezuela, Right wingers favourite Socialist Country, of they love ignoring the Scandinavian Nation, I'll talk about them soon.

No.3. Freebies but No Freedom.

While Socialism have free healthcare, free education, it also has no human rights.

Socialist Nations face the most Humanitarian Crisis than a Capitalist state. Of as I said before, the reason is too much power in the hands of Government. 

And due to this, there is no freedom of expression, freedom of speech  or freedom to religion in these nation.


This brings me to the title of this article. Both this economic systems suck and it's not a debate which is good and which is evil. I think we should start tinkering on how to incorporate both together.

See, here's a small example, while Socialism works for countries like Finland, Norway, it doesn't work for Venezuela, ever wonder why?

Here's the answer: The Structure of The Respective Countries Democracy.

Whereas, Scandinavian countries have Parliamentary System, Venezuela have Presidential System.

What's the difference?

Well, as I said before Socialism gives way too much power in the hand of the government and in a Parliamentary system, we have opposition and which helps the citizens of that country keep the ruling Party accountable.

Whereas in a Presidential System, well let's talk about the facts, Presidential System basically means electing a king, and nothing else, it is a stupid and useless way of democracy, why do we even call it a democracy, we should start calling it Electoral Autocracy.

And as I was saying Presidential System doesn't have a opposition, in it's structure, giving an individual authority over a whole nation.

And that's the reason Socialism doesn't work in Venezuela. As for Capitalism it causes the great division between the rich and poor. The rich gets richer and a poor man poorer. And sorry for breaking it to you but Socialism is not the answer to this question. We have to find a way to incorporate both the ideas. Until then, we can't do anything. 

Thank You For Reading.

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