I turned 20... An epilogue.
On 17th August 2022, I turned 20, and here's a small epilogue to my 2 decades on this planet.
The last two decades have been, uh, interesting, adventurous and fun. A lot has happened. I have made a lot of friends, lost a lot of them as well. Seen people born and die, and do both at the same time. It was tragic! But the very existence of humankind, isn't is?
The world is really a messy page. How can one not feel its tragedy? How can someone turn their back and ignore all of it?
I am glad about the way I was brought up. I would have never been who I am if I wasn't taught the compassion of Christ.
My relation with the Nazarene carpenter and his pain in the butt Father, shaped my childhood and teenage years. If not for them, I wouldn't be half a man I am today.
The other thing that influenced my life was... Books.
See, I was born with Kidney's smaller compared to other kids my age. The main issue with my kidney's effect on my body was way too much Alkaline levels. It made my bones soft and pretty breakable; you know. So playing outdoor games wasn't exactly in my repertoire.
And as a child, I used to spend my days reading books, immersing in the worlds beyond reality. They gave me a sense of stability. I have learnt a long time ago; I am really not great with what Hephaestus and Leo would call an organic life forms. I just can't, ngl, like I can pretend to be comfortable, but none of you is interesting. I am, (sighs), sorry for being right (Shrug shoulders)
I prefer to stay surrounded by books and yes, I know it's not good for my mental health or physical health. And that's why I don't surround myself by books, I am just saying, I would prefer doing so.
And as it must've been obvious, I had become inspired to become an Author. And you have to realise, I was born during the Harry Potter era, J K Rowling had just became a millionaire and being an Author was seen as cool as being an Astronaut, well except in one job you get to go to space and in other you get to go in depression.
I always aspired to write something that would transcend Space and Time. To create something everlasting, something that stays long after me.
A book does that, Sumerian tablets have been around for 4000 years, the bible has went through changes and seen 2000 years of human history unfold. Ramayana was written by a saint who existed 2500 years ago, Mahabharat was around for almost two thousand years. Even Odyssey is a 300 years old story being told again and again. It was clear to me, I needed to write something down.
Books will precede time, space and everything in between. It is the weapon of the strongest and the smartest used to dismantle establishments.
So, this three components shaped my world, Jesus gave me my ideology and principles. Reading books gave me knowledge and writing books, they gave me a goal in life.
Now I have a lot to talk about my present, that I will in another blog. But let's talk about the future.
What does the future has in store for me?
I am planning to complete my graduation, firstly, so that's gonna take a while. I am also planning to write and publish at least one book every single year. Sooner or later, I'll get graduated and I don't see myself sitting in a office, getting yelled by some asshole, so I have decided to take writing as a full time career. I also plan to produce and direct a few things, maybe for my college or independantly or whatever. I am also hoping to take Stock Market investments and trading more seriously.
I want to spend my time creating stuffs, and having fun with ideas. I can't just spend my time working for someone else on a dead end job. I hope my stories are told and I hope they change the lives of the listeners.
So yeah, that's pretty much my plan. I'll keep y'all updated!
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