Immortality and the Possibility of Becoming God.

It is said, that the man who will never die is alive right now., but what does it mean?

Some modern species may possess biological immortality. Certain scientists, futurists, and philosophers have theorized about the immortality of the human body, with some suggesting that human immortality may be achievable in the first few decades of the 21st century.

But How?

Some scientists believe boosting the amount of telomerase in body can stop the cells from dying, which will extend the lifespan, and increase the quality of life.

It has been tested on mices by Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (Madrid).

And it was observed the mices that produced more telomerase, lived 50% longer than their average lifespan.

Soon Humans will be living forever.

But is it a good thing or not?

It depends what type of immortality we're talking about.

There is possibility of two types of immortality.

  1. Digital Immortality
  2. Physical Immortality

Now there's a huge difference between the two.

Let me take a sweet time explaining it.

  • Physical Immortality.
It means or body will live longer and have a longer lifespan by increasing Telomerase.

This is what I call "Fake Immortality"

Immortality doesn't mean extended life, it means never dying.

But we can't talk about it as we're in the early stages of the invention and we are still researching.

The Physical immortality can be a good thing for people with Cancer and I think we should fund this more than we're. As this breakthrough might finally cure Cancer.

And I know many families who have lost their loved one to Cancer and the pain it had brought.

And I think it should be used for that purpose alone, if an healthy person is to receive this treatment, I would be scared.

So the plan is to increase the level of Telomerase in a healthy human, and keep increasing it again and again. And that will make Human beings immortal.

Not only will humans start living for 200 years but it will end up with Life losing it's meaning. 

I'll explain what I mean in the end, but before lets talk about the second type of Immortality.

  • Digital Immortality.
Now this has my hopes up.

Now the plan is to transfer all our data into a computer and to store it as an AI, so our descendant could talk to us. 

Something Tony Stark did in the Iron Heart Comics. But it gives me more of a Jedi ghost vibe.

But it means we can live on forever, without crowding the universe. And that will also mean we could travel galaxy to galaxy with the speed of light. 

Now you might ask, "But will it have my personality, I don't want my great grandchildren to feel, that I am boring?

And the answer is an astounding Yes.

The AI shall not only have our memories, but our personality and also the embarrassing thoughts we have at 4:00 Am every night.

And this is the Immortality that is our best chance, for both space travel and Immortality.

Conclusion and My feelings about it.

I, to be honest, am hyped about Digital immortality, but not for the Physical immortality.

As I said it will take the meaning out of Life.

The thing is life and death exist not as an opposite forces but to compliment each other.

Life gives meaning to Death and Death is what gives meaning to life. What is life without death. Once we stop dying our lives will lose it's meaning.

Knowing our lives won't last forever, gives us reason to fight for, to live, to love, to rebel.

Death makes us understand the meaning of life, it teaches us the importance of time and it's limit.

Death is part of life not the end of it.

Or as a great man once said. 

"Part Of The Journey Is the end" (Tony Stark, Avengers Endgame)


                 Thank You for reading. 

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  1. I would like to hear your questions and I might answer them next time.


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